Into the Promised Land

Numbers 15-36

1. What was done with the man who broke the Sabbath? (15:32-36)

2. What is the difference between a presumptuous sin and an unintentional sin? (15:22-31)

3. Who led the rebellion against Moses and Aaron? (16:1-3)

4. What happened to Korah? (16:31-32)

5. How did Aaron stop the plague? (16:46-50):

6. How many died in the Plague?

7. How did God propose to settle the matter of leadership in Israel once and for all? (17:1-6)

8. Whose rod blossomed? (17:8)

9. What did God tell Moses to do to get water from the Rock? (20:8)

10. What did Moses do instead? (20:11)

11. What was his punishment for disobeying? (20:12)

12. What sin was Moses guilty of? (20:12)

13. Where did Aaron die? (20:22-29)

14. What did God do when the people complained again? (21:4-6)

15. When Moses prayed for the people, what did God tell him to do to save those bitten
by the fiery serpents? (21:7-8)

16. What did God tell Balaam? (22:12)

17. What happened when Balaam went with the men? (22:22-34)

18. What did Balaam do instead of curse Israel? (24:10)

19. How many times?

20. How many died when Israel was immoral with the Moabite women? (25:9)

21. Who did Moses appoint to take his place as leader of Israel? (25:18-20)

22. What was Joseph's last request? (50:25)