Walk in unity (Eph.4:1-16)

      1. This passage represents an important transition in the flow of Ephesians.
      2. Similarly to Romans 12, it is a shift from theological to practical, doctrine to duty, position to practice.
      3. The "therefore" of verse 1 draws the reader to consider all that was previously mentioned about the blessings of the position in Christ and to now respond appropriately.
      4. Verse 1 appears to be an introduction to the rest of the letter.


      1. Unity is of first importance first order of business.
      2. Tremendous effect on the church (1 Cor 3:16) and world (Jn. 17:21)
      1. "Prisoner" of the Lord literally and spiritually setting a tone of humility
      2. Beseech encourage, beg
      3. Live your life consistent with high and holy calling in spirit and character.
      4. Worthy "balanced scales" life corresponding to or matching up to position
      5. Accepting the blessings of the gospel means accepting the responsibility living up to the principles and values inherently interwoven into it.
    III. STEPS TO UNITY vs. 2-3

    Starts with the individual Christian personal to collective.
    A progressive pathway of attitudes and actions.

      1. Humility a compound word, judge or think of self with lowliness
      Greeks nor Romans had a word to represent this despised thought.
      " Esteem others better than yourself" "do not think more highly of yourself
      than you ought to think" It gives proper perspective and allows compassion
      and mercy while disallowing self-seeking competition.
      2. Gentleness or meekness mild spirited, opposite of harsh. Not timed but a
      tamed, wild animal. Having the power to harm of retaliate but choosing
      not to. Power under control.

      3. Patience longsuffering, the ability to continue in meekness.

      4. Forbear in love - these attitudes leading to the act of forbearance,
      putting up with weaknesses and differences of others for the sake of Christ and
      that persons good.

      5. Diligently pursuing unity the ultimate purpose. Keeping the unity of the
      Spirit through peace. Disharmony disrupts the leading of the Spirit and
      eventually the sealing of the Spirit.

    IV. BASIS FOR UNITY vs. 4-6
      1. One body I Cor. 12:13 baptized into one body.
      2. One Spirit Eph. 2:18 access by one Spirit to the Father.
      Eph. 1: 13 sealed with the Holy Spirit
      3. One hope Col. 1:27 Christ in you, the hope of glory.
      4. One Lord I Cor. 8:6 one Lord, Jesus Christ.
      5. One faith Jude 3 the faith . . . once for all delivered to saints.
      6. One baptism I Cor. 12:13 by one Spirit all baptized into one body.
      7. One God I Cor. 8:6 one God
    These foundations of Christianity provide automatic unity to believers whose duty it is to maintain and promote it.

    V. UNITY IN DIVERSITY vs. 7-15
      1. "But" a change in thought, answers the obvious question.
      How can you have unity when people are so different?

      2. Diversity not of groups but of individuals personalities, abilities.

      3. Context: the dispensing of gifts by Christ Ps. 68:18
      He secured or led captive those who were in captivity to sin and death.

      4. Christ in the heart of the earth before ascension to His Throne.

      5. Progression:

        Christ gave gifts . . . He gave some: apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
        These were put in place in order to equip God s people.
        In order to for them to perform works of service or ministry.
        In order for the entire body to be built up.
      6. The goal or mark
      Unity of faith and knowledge of Christ
      Perfect man maturity/completeness
      Measure of Christ conformed to His image
      No longer deceived by false teachers but speaking truth in love.
      Growing up into Christ, the head of the body.
      1. From Christ the whole body is joined together by every joint structure
      All parts contribute to structure and stability.
      2. For effective working every part does its share. joint participation.
      3. This causes growth of the body for the purpose of edifying itself in love.